Connecting Learning & Development Providers

Meet the PD Providers

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Angela Vorpahl | Angela Vorpahl LLC


Angela Vorpahl is a strategy coach for new law students and new lawyers.

Prior to becoming a coach, Angela graduated in the top 1% of her law school class, clerked for a federal judge, and worked as a BigLaw associate in NYC.

Ten years out of law school and amazed by the fact that "how to get good 1L grades" and "how to be a rockstar first-year associate" still felt like a mystery (just as it had for her when she started out), Angela decided to pour all of her expertise into teaching (1) new law students how to strategically get the 1L grades to start a career on their own terms, and (2) new lawyers how to (harness their secret sauce to) develop a rockstar reputation at their law firm.