Connecting Learning & Development Providers

Meet the PD Providers

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Emily Hirsekorn | Hirsekorn Coaching, LLC


Having supported thousands of lawyers, law students, and leaders in demanding industries over the past nine years, I see the same four mid-career challenges popping up time and time again…

1️⃣ Little leadership development support despite promotion / advancement.

2️⃣ Feeling overwhelmed, drained, and and approaching burnout.

3️⃣ Lack of fulfillment despite traditional indicators of "success."

4️⃣ Self-doubt and imposter syndrome, regardless of demonstrable achievement.

❌ Too many talented lawyers and leaders are looking to leave their jobs or abandon their careers entirely. Or, if they’re committed to sticking around, they’re stressed, resentful, and craving change.

❌ And it often looks worse for women. And even worse for women of color. It’s hard to find meaningful mentorship and sponsorship, and the constant battle between asserting yourself more and just playing nice is exhausting.

❌ Plus, more lawyers and leaders than ever before recognize the importance of both a meaningful career AND a sustainable one. But with so many competing priorities, it's easy to feel like you're not serving any one of them well. And for someone with high standards in a demanding industry, it’s a perfect storm.

✨ So I developed The Career Accelerator for Lawyers & Leaders (The CALL), a one-of-a-kind comprehensive coaching program for mid-career lawyers and leaders looking for fulfillment, balance, direction, and confidence.

And because serious growth requires serious work, we didn’t leave anything out!

Here’s what you get inside the program…

1️⃣ Detailed COURSE CURRICULUM walking you through my ABC’s Model of Sustainable Success

2️⃣ The ENERGY LEADERSHIP INDEX ASSESSMENT, a one-of-a-kind attitudinal assessment that quantifies your energy level, uncovers your unique success blockers, and helps you identify your biggest opportunities for growth

3️⃣ LIVE GROUP WORKSHOPS twice monthly to teach, reinforce, and practice energy management

4️⃣ 1:1 SUPPORT to acclimate you to the program and set you up for post-program success

5️⃣ COMMUNITY APP CHALLENGES for serious accountability and support with positive habit building

Apply below to get access to the private training “Establishing a Fulfilling Career without Burning Out” as soon as your application is accepted!

✨ Organizations can book a call with me at to explore custom programming for rising leaders, teams, and individuals to enhance leadership potential, performance, and career fulfillment.