Connecting Learning & Development Providers

Meet the PD Providers

The PD Providers Network does not provide an exhaustive list of professional development service providers. The Network does not endorse any providers, their offerings, or any content submitted on this site.

Jordana Confino | JC Coaching & Consulting


I am a certified professional coach, educator, and speaker dedicated to helping lawyers and other high-achieving professionals find greater satisfaction and sustainable success in their lives and work.

Having spent the bulk of my career working as a lawyer and in legal education at elite institutions, I know that many high-achieving, successful people hold limiting beliefs that prevent them from truly flourishing. For many years, I was one of them. But I transformed my life leveraging the science of positive psychology and human motivation theory, and I am passionate about helping others do the same.

Through my company, JC Coaching & Consulting, I support individuals through one-on-one coaching and partner with organizations to build more positive workplace cultures where all employees feel valued, stimulated, and supported.

I am also an Adjunct Professor at Fordham Law School, where I previously served as the inaugural Assistant Dean of Professionalism. I teach "Peer Mentoring & Leadership" and "Positive Lawyering," which is a course I designed to teach law students how to harness science-backed insights and strategies of positive psychology to maximize their well-being and professional performance.

I invite you to subscribe to my blogs/newsletter, "Chronicles of a Recovering Type A+ Perfectionist," in which I share stories and offers science-backed tips and strategies for reining in fear and cultivating joy, love, and values-based living in our crazy cut-throat world: