Connecting Learning & Development Providers

Meet the PD Providers

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Sang Lee | Volta Talent Strategies

Named to the Fastcase 50 (2021). Named in the Global Top 100 Leaders in Legal Strategy and Consulting by Lawdragon (2021). Honored by the Girls Scouts Council of Greater New York as a Woman of Distinction (2019). 1G, minority and female owner of businesses since 2004.

My career has been fueled by moments of awkwardness, and my commitment to owning them.

I’m a first-generation lawyer who realized that practicing law wasn’t my intended path, even though profound sacrifices were made to support my goal of becoming a Wall Street lawyer. I was the owner and operator of an award-winning legal recruiting company who realized that revolving doors at law firms were advantageous for recruiters, but virulent for the industry. I built an award-winning brick and mortar consulting company with offices across the country to support “boots-on-the-ground” needs of global clients, and then realized that recruiting, consulting, coaching, and training services can be delivered powerfully in untraditional ways, leveraging technology and video platforms, obviating the need for boots-on-the-ground. Awkward? Yes… and no (#IFKYK).

I love change, it’s the only constant. And I am all about owning the awkward, because it’s the only way to spot opportunities for growth, experiment with innovation, and create new possibilities.

I no longer practice law but I know that my decision to pursue law had a profound purpose. Today, I own the preeminent talent management consultancy in the legal industry ( where my colleagues and I coach, train, consult and design solutions for the modern law firm. We use video platforms, content platforms, and group coaching that empowers lawyers, and doesn’t condescend to them. I also launched and own the only ICF-accredited coach training academy for people who want to learn how to coach lawyers (, via our 15-week program that embraces rigor, discipline and collaboration, and has been described by students as “transformational.” My most recent venture is a SaaS company ( that leverages everything I’ve learned about the lawyer talent life cycle, and confronts the intense awkwardness of data analytics by eliminating data silos that inhibit true collaboration, and creates possibilities for impactful, ethical, and equity advancing AI.

During the day, you will find me coaching law firm leaders, collaborating with clients on innovation, and meeting new people. If we don't know one another yet, and you've read all the way to the end, chances are, we should meet. I look forward to that possibility.