Submission length must be between 500 – 1000 words
Topics should be on brand with PDPN: relevant to a community of learning and development professionals, at various stages of their careers.
Titles are very important to the success and visibility of your piece. Your title should be an accurate and clear representation of the content of your post. It shouldn’t be longer than 12 words.
Within your piece, include at least three links to data or other articles (including your own!) to back up your points and provide further reading. This is helpful to readers, increases credibility, and improves your online presence and personal brand through link building.
On the Importance of Writing Good Headlines:
80% of potential readers will only see your headline. If you invest a lot of time writing an awesome post, you should spend just as much time making sure your headline is just as awesome.
Additional Resources:
How to Write the Best Headlines
How to Write Emotional Headlines
25 Scientifically Proven Ways to Write Better Headlines
Headline Analyzer gives you tips on how to improve individual headlines
How to Change Your Headline:
The Magic of ‘Why’ change to… 5 Reasons Asking ‘Why’ Will Help Revolutionize Your Career
Mentorship For You change to… How To Avoid Being Stuck With the Wrong Mentor
The Millennial Moment change to… The Secret to Attracting and Retaining Millennials
On the Importance of Link Building:
Link building is the practice of creating hyperlinks between websites. Hyperlinks from trusted websites back to your website tells Google and other search engines that your website is also a trusted source. When you link articles to each other, you’re telling Google that the set of articles is trustworthy, improving the visibility of your personal brand. Plus, it’s helpful to readers!
Beginners Guide to Link Building
How to Grow Popularity and Links