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Blog - PD Providers Network

Our collection of experts weigh in on the hot topics facing the learning & development space.

Posts in Hybrid work
What is Adaptive Learning?

Maybe you've heard of "adaptive learning," maybe you haven't. If you have, maybe you're not entirely sure what it means.

Maybe you're skeptical about digital learning, maybe you're not. Perhaps you imagine talking head videos that—sure—can be broadcasted to millions at once but to the loss of the individualized, tailored potential of in-person, live, person-to-person training.

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Who Are We Now? Preparing for the Post-Quarantine Workplace

The PD Providers Network, a group of consultants who serve the legal industry, met recently to discuss the transition from the all-remote teams of the COVID-19 era to the inevitable mix of remote and in-person teams. They offer the following communications and planning tips to help firm leaders, managers, and employees navigate this transition with success.

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