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Posts in Well-Being
Walking a Minefield Without a Map: The Explosive Intersection of Well-Being and Belonging

According to the study, “A Theory of Human Motivation” by A.H. Maslow, belonging is a core human need, following only physiological and safety needs. It’s a cornerstone of human well being — a sense of belonging cultivates a sense of meaningfulness in life, and a sense of meaningfulness in life is associated with overall well-being, as per the 2013 study, “To Belong Is to Matter: Sense of Belonging Enhances Meaning in Life.” Thwarted belonging leads to mental health challenges, including depression and anxiety.

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Four Ways to Foster Financial Well-Being in Law Firms

The cost of higher education has continued to climb and with it, the cost of law school. As a result, the amount of debt that many law school graduates hold at the start of their careers has risen to an average of over $115,000 according to Law School Transparency, a non-profit organization. This burden of debt is significant for all who experience it, and it can cause significant financial stress and anxiety for attorneys of color.

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