Connecting Learning & Development Providers

Meet the PD Providers

The PD Providers Network does not provide an exhaustive list of professional development service providers. The Network does not endorse any providers, their offerings, or any content submitted on this site.



Are you a high achiever who is exhausted and overwhelmed? Are you succeeding by all other measures but failing to create a life that YOU find fulfilling or meaningful?

I’ve lived this journey. I’m also a certified executive coach and the founder of Your Coach to Soar LLC, as well as a former corporate lawyer, a mother, an immigrant, and a woman of color.

As a coach, I help high achievers reclaim their energy, their time, and their freedom without sacrificing their success or their income.

The prevailing “wisdom” is that you need to choose between the traditional definition of success and the meaningful life you crave, but I have good news for you. I can help you make small shifts that pay big dividends and align these goals, rather than sacrificing one for the other.

If you're ready to have balance and fulfillment, watch my *free training* at and then book a *free epiphany call* with me so that you can gain clarity on what will bring more meaning and balance to your life.

My methodology, which combines practical strategy and subconscious mindset shifts, helps you:

1) Gain clarity on your unique goals and purpose (your “why”);
2) Identify and uproot your blocks and limiting beliefs; and
3) Map and implement a strategy to channel your energy and manifest a life of joy and possibility.

In addition to individual coaching, I provide group coaching programs to shift from burnout to balance. I also facilitate workshops, speak at conferences and on panels about mindful leadership and how to up-level your performance and success by enhancing your wellbeing.

Previously, I served as Managing Director, Global Head of Regulatory Management Services at State Street Bank & Trust, and as Director and Assistant General Counsel at Citibank. At Citi, I served on the Professional Development Committee for the Citi Women’s Leadership Development Program and was an active member of Citi Legal’s Global Diversity Council. I started my career a corporate associate at Sullivan & Cromwell, a top international law firm.