Connecting Learning & Development Providers

Meet the PD Providers

The PD Providers Network does not provide an exhaustive list of professional development service providers. The Network does not endorse any providers, their offerings, or any content submitted on this site.

Drew Amoroso | DueCourse


In 2015, I was 4 years into a career as a lawyer at a prominent US law firm.

I loved the company and my colleagues but was feeling stuck and uninspired. I eventually realized that I wanted my career and my workday to be infused with things I love, and to be driven by intention.

I realized that the most rewarding times for me were when I was coaching other professionals on how to improve their workday through shifting their mindset.

I eventually left my big law job and started my own firm before founding a coaching company called DueCourse.

After coaching for 5 years and seeing the incredible potential coaching has to change our profession, I decided to turn DueCourse into a technology startup.

Our platform now helps law firms achieve greater employee performance through personal and professional development coaching. We give lawyers fast, direct access to vetted coaches they’ll trust without the administrative hassle.

Our platform also provides coaches in the legal industry a place where they can connect with highly motivated clients who are ready to be coached.

My mission of helping professionals create a workday that they love has guided me every step of the way, and I'm thrilled to be part of the sea change coaching is bringing to the legal profession.