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Estelle Winsett | Estelle Winsett Professional Image Consulting


Combining my 20 years of expertise in lawyer professional development with my unwavering passion for empowering women through style, I’m excited to introduce Estelle Winsett Professional Image Consulting.

As its Founder, I’m dedicated to helping women attorneys, executives, entrepreneurs elevate their professional image, confidence and success through an intentional style solution.

Having practiced law for several years, I understand what it’s like to show up for a deposition only to be mistaken for the legal secretary.

As a previous legal recruiter, I know how important it is to make a strong first impression and how what you wear speaks for you before you ever open your mouth.

After over 15 years of working in a law firm setting, I know the kinds of rooms you are walking into and how to help you create a wardrobe that infuses your personality while remaining professional.

I’ve seen the transformative power of having an elevated professional wardrobe that feels authentic to you, flatters your body shape and easily mixes and matches.

I’ve developed a proven system to create your unique signature style so you can stop dressing like everyone else and start finding your new go to brands.

You no longer have to second guess your outfit choice or spend hours worrying about what to wear.

You can stop putting any mental energy into what to wear because your outfits are all laid out for you in an app on your phone.

If you’ve been nodding your head because you are ready to elevate your professional image and start looking like the powerhouse woman you are, I’m excited to share my Corporate Woman’s Guide to Style. It includes the 15 essential pieces every professional woman needs in her closet as well as several outfit formulas showing you how to mix and match them. You can get your complimentary copy here:


If you’re sick of trying to do it yourself and are ready to have an expert curate a personalized wardrobe for you, I invite you to get on a 20 minute Zoom call with me to discuss your unique style challenges and goals. If we’re a good fit, I’ll share what it would look like to work together. You can set up your call here: ▶️

I look forward to sharing more details of my business with you in the near future. In the meantime, here is my new contact information:

Estelle Winsett Professional Image Consulting

Website: ▶️

Email :

Link to sign up for my weekly style newsletter: ▶️