Connecting Learning & Development Providers

Meet the PD Providers

The PD Providers Network does not provide an exhaustive list of professional development service providers. The Network does not endorse any providers, their offerings, or any content submitted on this site.

Darien Fleming

Darien ignites the power and potential in attorneys, professionals and teams through one-on-one coaching and training.

As your coach, Darien can help you:

*Create your business development plan
*Identify target market and value proposition
*Communicate and connect more effectively
*Achieve advancement within the Firm/Company
*Optimize your billable time
*Identify and lean into your Strengths + Values
*Increase your self-confidence
*Draw boundaries for work/life balance
*Address negative feedback for performance improvement
*Define the right next step
*Create effective job search strategies
*Communicate more effectively with employees
*Deliver constructive feedback
*Manage change

One-on-one coaching helps attorneys and other professionals build capacity to effectively address the ever increasing pressures to be faster, more responsive and more productive. Through the cultivation of self-awareness, people begin to examine and see their own inclinations, habits and tendencies, and together we work to shift perspectives and change the behaviors that do not serve their goals or enhance their relationships. Ultimately, coaching with Darien Fleming helps attorneys and other professionals find their joy factor, lead with more authenticity and self-confidence, and derive greater satisfaction from their work and life. Coaching makes what seemed impossible, possible.

Darien Fleming provides a comprehensive array of core communication and team essentials trainings, including StrengthsFinder team building trainings. All trainings are interactive and designed to engage the participants in the learning lessons. Each training session provides effective tools to deliver content and help participants put that content into action.