Connecting Learning & Development Providers

Meet the PD Providers

The PD Providers Network does not provide an exhaustive list of professional development service providers. The Network does not endorse any providers, their offerings, or any content submitted on this site.

Steve Hughes | Hit Your Stride

You're a busy professional with a lot on your plate.

If you're wrestling with one or more of these issues, keep reading...

- Getting your new associates to put down their phones and talk to humans
- Delivering presentations that don't put audiences to sleep
- Making good first impressions
- Equipping your lawyers to get out there and bring in new clients
- Dialing up your influence without resorting to "cheesy" manipulation

You've gone to a lot of trouble to recruit and hire your lawyers. And you've probably spent a good chunk of change helping to train them and build their skill sets. Don't let all that wonderful gray matter and investment walk out the door (or even look for greener pastures).

Instead, give them cutting-edge professional development with tons of interactivity and just the right touch of humor.

So if you need a face-to-face workshop, lunch & learn CLE, multi-site webinars, small group sessions, 1-on-1 coaching, or any combination of the above, we should talk.

There's no such thing as "off the shelf" solutions here at Hit Your Stride, LLC. All of our PD programming is 100% customized to your specific needs.

Want to know more? Check out the Things I Believe:

- I believe facemail is better than email.
- I believe introverts are naturals at building rapport.
- I believe confused minds always says "no."
- I believe that every training session should be interactive. (And Q&A doesn't count.)
- I believe great speakers are made not born.
- I believe that PD should be fun or don't bother.
- I believe audiences will forgive poor delivery, but not poor content.
- I believe that you can make lunch & learns unmissable events.
- I believe the children are our future.

Let's start a conversation. Message me and let's start talking.