Connecting Learning & Development Providers

Meet the PD Providers

The PD Providers Network does not provide an exhaustive list of professional development service providers. The Network does not endorse any providers, their offerings, or any content submitted on this site.

Jessica Natkin | Total Talent Design


✽ Total Talent Design is a career development & coaching firm devoted to helping clients find clarity, success, and satisfaction in their careers, while finding harmony between the personal and professional. Our extensive experience in career development and talent management affords us the ability to guide our clients every step of the way and lead them to their dream jobs with emotional support and proven strategies. And we work with firms to make their employee experience one that furthers strategy and engages employees.

Coaching Clients Seek Our Services When:
⚫️ They are unhappy with their current role or want to explore and find a more fulfilling career
⚫️ They have lost their job and need clarity on what’s next and how to get there
⚫️ They want to change careers and switch industries, but are unsure how to get started
⚫️ They are looking for a proven method for career advancement and promotion
⚫️ They are looking to return to the workforce after time away and feel lost with the job search process
⚫️ They are looking for guidance through the offer negotiation process

Firms Seek Our Services When:
⚫️ They want to retain and engage their valued professionals
⚫️ They need a review process that does not encumber their managers and provides valuable growth-minded feedback to their talent
⚫ They want to maximize their managers leadership potential

When We Coach You, You Get:
✔️ Absolute clarity on goal setting
✔️ Easy-to-follow action plans (roadmap to achieve your goals)
✔️ Total Talent Design Resume and LinkedIn secrets that will give your career campaign a 360 makeover
✔️ Plug-and-play interview templates to impress your interviewer & shine above the crowd
✔️ Detailed guidance on compensation & lifestyle negotiation to set yourself up for success
✔️ Evergreen skills that enable you to transition successfully & thrive even in times of change & ambiguity

Why Our Clients Love Working with Us:
⚫️ We help them achieve total career satisfaction
⚫️ We bring a fresh perspective to help evaluate options and ensure choosing the best path
⚫️ We design the optimal strategy to help achieve goals as quickly as possible with ongoing support for encouragement, accountability, and energy
⚫️ We give our firms thoughtful, bespoke solutions to their talent management problems via employee-first programs and an owner-minded company culture

✽ To Discuss How We Can Help You:
Contact me directly at or message me here on LinkedIn.