Connecting Learning & Development Providers

Meet the PD Providers

The PD Providers Network does not provide an exhaustive list of professional development service providers. The Network does not endorse any providers, their offerings, or any content submitted on this site.

Jason Levin | Ready Set Launch

I believe in the power of authentic relationships to transform careers. Based in Washington, D.C., I founded of Ready, Set, Launch, LLC® where I am an in-demand career and business development coach, speaker and trainer. I have broad career experience in brand management at Unilever, consulting at Accenture and law firm branding sales at I have been helping my clients land jobs, get promotions, transition into retirement and build professional services practices since 2011. I have had a lifelong interest in keeping in touch, which is why I wrote Relationships to Infinity: The Art and Science of Keeping in Touch.

Community and professional engagement is important to me. I was a Board Member of the National Capital Local Steering Committee for the Legal Marketing Association. I was also an assistant coach on my son’s little league baseball team. Additionally, I have sat on the Board of Directors of the United Way of the National Capital Area (United Way NCA) and on the PTA for Murch Elementary School.

I am also a raving fan of all things related to D.C. sports. Check out this interview after the Washington Nationals won the World Series in 2019.

Keep in touch!